The Spook Your Kindle Event is now the Terrify Your Tablet Event

So far, this event has grown above and beyond anything we could have imagined. Every single day, we get numerous messages from authors wanting to participate, so much so that our inboxes are overflowing! We want to thank everyone for the support.

Also, we've listened to reader feedback and questions whether this event was just going to be for Kindle readers. To help alleviate those concerns, especially considering the number of authors who will be making their books free on multiple platforms, we've decided to change the name of the event to the Terrify Your Tablet Event 2023.

The domain will be changing so there is no confusion. This also gives us time to create a searchable system so the sub-genres you prefer are easier to find, as well as books available on your preferred eReader. We appreciate everyone's patience.

To make sure no authors have fallen through the cracks, we've made a Facebook group specifically for the authors. If you're interested in participating, please join that group and follow the guided instructions.

We can't wait to celebrate Halloween with you all at Terrify Your Tablet, October 31!